Spend 6 days immersed in traditional foodways, ancestral living, and culture in Tongo, a town nestled in the Upper East region of Ghana. Here, you will experience life in a traditional thatched-roof house. You will experience firsthand local food culture through indigenous food workshops, traditional cooking classes, food processing, and MORE.
This incredible 6-day event will take place in the natural landscape within the Tongo community. We will dive into the foundation of indigenous cooking, natural food processing, sustainable food practices, traditional tools used for cooking, and the essence of community togetherness. You will leave feeling connected to the land, reconnected to local food systems, cooking alongside and with women from the community, and becoming a part of a movement to preserve ancestral foods.
Overview of the trip
Dates: July 12, 2024 - July 18, 2024
Duration: 6 days, 7 nights
Trip Activities
Traditional Shea Butter processing
Fermented African Locust Bean processing
Indigenous Foods Workshop
Traditional Cooking Classes
Gurune Cultural event
Basket Weaving & MORE.
Trip Inclusions
Single room accommodation (6 days, 7 nights)
3 plant-based traditional meals a day
All Activities and Cooking workshops
Roundtrip Airport Shuttle from Tamale Airport to Bolgatanga
Not Included
Roundtrip Flights to Ghana
Roundtrip Flight to Tamale from Accra
Visa payment (but visa support will be provided)
About Tongo
Tongo is a small town 20 minutes outside of Bolgatanga (the capital city of the Upper East region of Ghana). The ancestral home of the Talensi people, the famous hills and rock formations in Tongo hold cultural and spiritual significance for the Talensi people while also providing breathtaking views. This part of the country tends to be hot throughout the year transforming from dry grassland in the dry season to lush greenlands in the rainy season. The town is quiet and full of incredibly friendly people. Taste of Bolga has been planned for the rainy season to have people experience the unique foods and abundance of vegetation this part of the country offers.
Co-Host Afia
Afia is a food blogger enthusiastic about showcasing the diversity and richness of Ghanaian and West African food. Through her social media platforms, Afia shares plant-based recipes that make West African food approachable to her audience with details on food history, culture, and science.
Co-Host Abena
Abena works with farmers on seed security, seed sovereignty, food sovereignty, and farmer rights. Abena is in partnership with Hawa Bangrey in Tongo to preserve indigenous foods, local knowledge, traditional recipes, and foodways through the Taste of Bolga program.
Co-Host Hawa
Hawa works with women in Tongo and has created an employment avenue for them through the school called Oasis Pathways. Hawa has created several opportunities and avenues for women and families in the Tongo community, by fostering the education of many children, offering scholarships at the Oasis Pathway school, and training the women in employable skills.
COST- The cost has been provided in USD and GHC (note the GHC values are an approximation as it tends to fluctuate given the instability of the currency so use USD as standard)
Early Bird: 700USD/ ~8,900GHC (register before April 30)
Standard Price: 800USD/ ~10,150 GHC
DEPOSIT to secure your spot: 350USD/ ~4,430 GHC the deposit will be subtracted from the total amount
Payment Process
All payments will be handled through PayPal. Please note to include PayPal processing fees. instalment payment available after deposit has been made. For more details direct all questions to:
Abena: abenaoffeh@gmail.com
Afia: thecanadianafrican@gmail.com