Food + Heritage + Lineage

Decolonize African Foods

Community Seed Bank: To Protect, To Preserve, and To Save Indigenous Seeds

Honoring Farmer Seed Systems

Living The Ancestral Way

The Glaring Impact of Climate Change on Indigenous Food Systems

Africa’s Oldest Tradition: Fermentation
Fermentation preserves the nutritional and sensory qualities, enables the extension of shelf life, enhances the intake of nutrition and vitamins, and provides a variety of ways to digest grains. Fermentation minimizes the chances of food spoilage in tropical climate conditions.

Cowpea, and the Monopoly for Life

Baobab: The Great Grandmother of All Trees

Shea: The Mother of all African Trees

Dawadawa: The Magical Food Ingredient

Oryza Glaberrima – and the decline of Indigenous African Foods
Oryza Glaberrima is the indigenous rice of the African continent. There are two main cultivated rice in the world, Oryza Sativa which is the native Asian white rice, and Oryza glaberrima which is the native African rice.

The History and Use of Cassava in West Africa

Round African Mud House

The Seed is Our Past, Our Present, and Our Future

The War on Seeds

Africa’s Indigenous Foods Are Not Famine Foods

The Story of Oil Palm
Although oil palm is indigenous to West Africa, and has served as an important part of many African cultures, its now grown as a monoculture, and used to destroy many natural ecosystems for its multi-uses and multi-purpose

The Agroecological Way

My Mother’s Heritage: Tracing My Food Lineage

The Complexities of Our Food System